Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Losing my mind

I have tried to withdraw from the things that make me think of all I have lost and have had to endure in 9 months.  Needless to say it has failed miserably.  I carry so much in my heart that I do not need anything to remind me of my own personal hell. 
It makes me sad to admit it, but I have fallen apart.  I wish with all of my being that I had it in me to go back to the way I was and felt before December.  I don't even think I can remember what it felt like not to have this sadness that I carry around now.  I am a shell of myself.  I was picking up the pieces of my life when it started all over again.  Now, it feels like I can't even find the pieces of myself much less the life I had.
My darling little angel was due this Saturday.  The closer it gets the more I lose my composure.  I can't even pretend to be ok anymore.  What is the point?  Just the thought of everything that I lost, made me break down last night.  Two hours of hysterics of a child I never even saw or felt.  I don't want to feel this sadness and despair anymore but now consuming my being everyday.  I have lost hope in everything.